Maintaining Standards

Continuing education is integral to maintaining and enhancing professional knowledge and skills. All Active Practicing AKA Members are required to attain a minimum of 30 Continuing Professional Development Credits (PDC) every 2 years in order to meet and maintain the minimum continuing education requirements.  

The Current PDC cycle is:  January 1, 2023- December 31, 2025 Audit to occur in January 2025

The Next PDC cycle will be for new members: January 1, 2024- December 31, 2026 Audit to occur in January 2026

Relevant PDC Forms (click to download):

Sources for PDCs

The Alberta Kinesiology Association’s requirements for Professional Development Credits (PDCs):

  • 30 credits are required every 2 years for “Active” members - with a maximum of 15 credits per source**
    • **A "source" is defined as a singular continuous event (ex: Webinar, course, conference).
    • Ex: GLA:D Hip & Knee Protocol course and GLA:D Back Protocol course are independent continuous events. As a result, if you completed both of these courses, you could claim them as two separate PDC sources.
  • Submit your Professional Development Credits (PDC)Reporting Form every 2 years along with your Alberta Kinesiology Association Renewal for that year.  

NOTE:  AKA membership renewal is required annually, however submission of your PDC reporting form is not required annually. 

Maximum 15 credits per year.

  • Executive Director (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) - 10 credits per year
  • Other Officer, VP - 7 credits per year 
  • Committee Member - 5 credits per year 
    • AGM/General Meeting attendance – 5-10 credits per year per meeting (depending on whether there is a guest presentation at the meeting)

Maximum 30 credits per year

1 hour of conference = 1 credit (excluding lunch and coffee breaks)

  • CSEP provincial or national conference - maximum 30 credits (with a maximum of 15 credits per source)

Maximum of 15 credits per source and 30 credits per year (with multiple sources)

  • AKA sponsored courses - 1 hour of training = 1 credit
  • AKA Professional Development events - 1 hour of training = 1 credit
  • Recognized Courses/Workshops - 1 hour of training = 1 credit 
  • University and College courses * - 1 hour of training = 1 credit   - Including distance learning
  • Clinical/Hospital Grand Rounds * - 1 hour of training = 1 credit   
  • In Services and Seminars * - 1 hour of training = 1 credit    
  • Recognized Vocationally related courses*- 1 hour of training = ½ credit (0.5 credit)   
    Example:  Professional Development courses not related to Kinesiology (e.g. first aid, computer courses, WHMIS, fire and safety courses, management courses) 

NOTE:  *For items , topics must relate to best practices in prevention, assessment and intervention in sport, recreation, work, exercise and activities of daily living.

Maximum 10 credits per year

  • Presenting at conference - 1 hour of presenting= 1 credit   
  • Presenting research to profession - 1 hour of presenting= 1 credit   
  • Teaching course/workshop/in service - 1 hour of teaching= 1 credit   

NOTE:  For repetitive classes, credits are only granted once in the certification time frame

Maximum 10 credits per year

  • Training Kinesiology students - 1 hour of supervision = ½ credit (0.5 credit)   
  • Publications in AKA Newsletter - 1 article = 2 credits
    • Kinesiology related volunteer work in the community - 1 hour of volunteer participation = ½ credit (0.5 credit)
  • One PDC per advocacy letter sent to insurance/employer up to 5 PDC per year.
    • Download the following letters (Resources --> Advocacy) and send them to your insurance/employer. To claim your PDC download your sent letter as a PDF and upload it into your PDC Credit Reporting Form.

Maximum 10 credits per year

  • Publication in professional journal, books or accepted abstracts - 5 credits per publication
  • Defending Thesis - 5 credits per thesis

NOTE:  For repetitive publications, credits are only granted once in the Certification timeframe

Maximum 5 credits per year

  • Membership in related Association - 1 credit per Association per year