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ONLINE COURSE - Cultural Safety

The Introduction to Cultural Safety Training course provides social and historical context of the structural and institutionalized inequalities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples contributing to Indigenous health disparities.
ONLINE COURSE - Cultural Safety

Course Description

Our Introduction to Cultural Safety Training course aims to provide crucial social and historical context on the structural and institutionalized inequalities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, which contribute to disparities in Indigenous health. As Kinesiologists practicing in the diverse and multicultural landscape of Turtle Island, it is essential to establish culturally safe patient-practitioner relationships, particularly when working with Indigenous peoples and communities.

This engaging course will delve into Indigenous perspectives on health and wellness, with an emphasis on cultural safety and its relevance to your practice. Through a combination of online lectures and three live sessions, the course will introduce the concept of cultural safety and present strategies for its implementation. Participants will be encouraged to engage in transformative thinking through guided reflection, discussion, and action planning to foster culturally safe relationships and environments.

About the Instructor

Brittany McBeath is a Kanyen'kehá:ka (Mohawk) woman of mixed ancestry, with roots in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies at Queen's University. Brittany's research and teaching experience center around community-based health promotion and type 2 diabetes prevention within Indigenous communities.

Brittany's scholarship aims to examine the colonial history, policy implementation, and systematic processes that create power imbalances. She seeks to reclaim Indigenous knowledge, language, and culture in order to develop solutions addressing health inequities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples on Turtle Island. Brittany is a recipient of the Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral Award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

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Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your professional skills and contribute to creating a more inclusive and culturally safe healthcare environment. Secure your spot in our upcoming Cultural Safety Training course by signing up today!